
We’re constantly working to make this website as usable and accessible as possible for every user.

We have made every effort to ensure that this website meets or exceeds the relevant legal requirements.

We believe that this website meets or exceeds the requirements of the level A criteria of the World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative (WCAG WAI) 2.0 guidelines.

The website should be compatible with recent versions of all assistive devices.

Pop-up windows
Pop-up windows are used throughout the site for help windows, PDF files and some online tools. Where links open in new windows this is made explicit.

We have tried to use meaningful terms for link names instead of the term ‘click here’ so you know where a link will take you when using assistive technologies, without the need to click on it.

All images contain alternative text which describes the content of the image for those using assistive technologies.

JavaScripts are small programmes built into web pages to add extra features such as form validation and are used in certain areas of the site, especially the secure areas. Most browsers support JavaScript, however if yours does not, you may not be able to use all areas of the site.

Navigating a website is about getting you to the information you seek as easily as possible. For those using screen readers, we have provided hidden navigation links at the top of each page that allow you to skip directly to the main content, helping you to easily navigate within our site.